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Boulogne, all co-châtelains !

537 613€
net collected

(713 015€ gross collected)
OPEN until
December 31st, 2024
5 521
Shareholders and co-châtelains from 65 countries since 2022

I would like to invest and purchase one or more shares for myself or my minor child :

I would like to invest and purchase one or more shares for myself or a third party with the gift box:

I would like to activate my gift box:

An astonishing building, haunted by the ghosts of the First World War, nestling in a forest that has yet to reveal all its secrets: the Château de Boulogne is finally going to lift the veil on its mystery...


One year after the launch of this crazy project, which brought together 5 521 co-Châtelains from 65 countries, the Château de Boulogne project is about to get under way.


In a few weeks' time, the purchase of the Château will be made official, and with it the launch of our first tourist season in 2024, when co-Châtelains and visitors alike will be able to enjoy this unique place in the world.


The purchase of the château soon to be made official

The signing of the deed of sale is finally official, and will take place in the first quarter of 2024!

And with it the launch of our entire project.

Why did it take so long to sign?

When we launched our campaign around 1 year ago, the total net amount raised was 537,613 euros (713,015 euros gross amount raised - including communications and bank charges, etc.) for a total purchase price of 685,000 euros. 


After several months of negotiations, we signed the memorandum of understanding with the owner, whom we thank, so that we could conclude the purchase of the entire estate (château, outbuildings, park and woods) in a single transaction. 

We have agreed on the following terms: 

- 450K: on the day of signature of the deed of sale,

- 118K: 10 months after signing the deed of sale,

- 117K: 20 months after signing the deed of sale.


In a few weeks' time, our SAS Châteaux Merveilles will officially own the entire estate.

Co-châtelain: a unique status in the world

Become co-châtelain of an architectural and historical extravaganza, 1 hour from Paris

The Château de Boulogne is a monument like no other. Straight out of the imagination of the Comte de Boulogne, the château is a veritable architectural extravaganza. At the end of the 19th century, Charles de Boulogne, a wealthy landowner of Belgian origin, acquired the title of Count. He had a colourful fortress built at Boulogne-la-Grasse, on the remains of the Lancry family castle. 

In this unique phantasmagoria, the profane and the sacred, images and ideals, esotericism and history all come together.

Château de Boulogne - Antoine Vitek

The reinforced concrete framework enabled the Count to build a solid edifice in a short space of time, and above all to give free rein to his imagination: sculptures of saints, gargoyle mascarons, Gothic inspirations, Romanesque motifs, Arthurian references and Latin inscriptions... 

The castle contains hundreds of hidden treasures that invite visitors to decipher the symbols and messages left by Count Charles de Boulogne.

Boulogne la Grasse

For less than €100, treat yourself to a slice of the castle!

Have you always dreamt of being part of something great, of making your mark on history and helping to preserve our cultural heritage? Become a co-châtelain and shareholder in this unique château, play your part in its renaissance and enjoy exceptional privileges! Your investment of €99 per share entitles you to the many privileges of co-châtelains and to own a share in the Châteaux Merveilles SAS.

Would you like to offer a gift voucher (accompanied by a gift box) to a loved one?

It's possible too! You need to purchase a voucher for a third party with the "Ma Part du Château" gift box by clicking on the "invest via gift box" button. All the recipient has to do is activate the box and subscribe to the share.

This simple and secure way allows you to make your loved ones true co-châtelains and shareholders of this architectural jewel and participate in its renaissance (Frequently asked questions and tutorial at the bottom of the page).

Box du Château de Boulogne
Capture d’écran 2023-12-18 à 16.35.48.png
Capture d’écran 2023-12-18 à 16.35.48.png

Privileged access to the magic of the Château de Boulogne

Entrée du Château de Boulogne

By joining the adventure, you benefit from exceptional advantages:

- Become a shareholder and co-châtelain,
- Benefit from free admission for life to open-air tours,

- Participate in private community events,
- Discounts on privatizations and the châteaux boutique,
- Participate in major decision-making processes,

- Exempt your investment from tax (for French tax residents only) (see eponymous section below).

As a shareholder and co-chairman, you will be an integral part of the revitalisation of this historic treasure. You will also be invited to special events reserved for our community, sharing authentic moments with other enthusiasts from all over the world.

As a co-châtelain, your voice will be heard when important decisions are made, giving you the chance to shape the future of Château de Boulogne in collaboration with the Dartagnans teams.

Co-Châtelains' privileges according to their number of shares :


Financing stages

BLG Camembert repartition couts EN.png

Financing stages

Stage 1 :  147 572K - payment of term 2 

Stage 2 : 335 118K - opening of the château in 2024 (security upgrades and hiring of staff) 

Stage 3 : 481 426K - payment of term 3

Upcoming projects

Great news! Thanks to the incredible support we've received for this project, we're on the verge of finalising the purchase of the entire estate and beginning the gradual restoration and safety upgrades to the château, which is due to open in 2024

The gradual restoration and safety work, which is essential if the château is to be open to visitors from the 2024 season, will be carried out in stages, prioritising the most dangerous and fragile parts of the estate.

Mise en sécurité du Château de Boulogne
Boulogne étape 1

Stage 1

Making the roof of the current château safe. This key stage will enable us to secure the entrance to the château and thus authorise visits to the interiors from next season.

Boulogne étape 2

Stage 2

Making the perimeter of the old château and the music room safe. This will enable us to open up public access to the terrace overlooking the old castle.

Boulogne étape 3

Stage 3

Making the old chapel safe. As the oldest part of the estate, the chapel is also the most dangerous. We would like to enable visitors to discover these magnificent remains and wander around the historic heart of the Château de Boulogne in complete safety.

Boulogne étape 4

Stage 4

Making the high tower safe.
The high tower, a strategic site during the First World War, was the part of the château that suffered most during the bombardments. All that remains today are its foundations and a structurally unstable turret. Securing the high tower would initially allow access to and discovery of the engravings of the magnificent hunting scenes at its heart.

The creation of a scripted tour route

The Boulogne estate, its château, its marvels, its unique architectural style and its history lend themselves perfectly to the creation of a scenic tour. The site is packed with hundreds of fascinating anecdotes and details!

Several hundred privileged visitors have already discovered the site and the fascinating anecdotes surrounding the château when it opened its doors during the European Heritage Days. 

This event gave us a foretaste of the site's potential, and all we want to do is continue to help you discover the treasures of the château.

Parcours scénarisé du Château de Boulogne et son parc

How can I subscribe to a share or offer a share purchase voucher (box)?

The share without the box: for yourself or your minor child only.
If you wish to purchase one or more shares for yourself, without the box, simply click on the "INVEST" button.


The share with the box: To offer yourself a share voucher with the "Ma Part du Château" collector's box, simply click on the "INVEST VIA THE GIFT BOX" button.
If you'd like to order more than one, simply indicate the number of boxes you'd like to receive on the form.

Inside you'll find a unique 16-digit membership card and a unique code, which you'll need to activate the box.

Note 1: Activating the box

The box must be activated on receipt and before the end of the campaign. After this time, the value of the voucher it represents will be transformed into an anonymous donation to SAS Châteaux Merveilles, and the beneficiary of the voucher/box will not benefit from the associated share and will therefore not be a shareholder. The value of the share voucher and the associated delivery charges cannot be reimbursed to the purchaser.

Note 2: Box delivery

Boxes are sent every month. 

For boxes sent outside France, delays may be added due to postal and customs specificities.

Please note that if several boxes are ordered, only one delivery address can be indicated. In order to send boxes to several different addresses, you will need to repeat the procedure for each box.

The share without the box: for yourself or your minor child only

If you wish to purchase one or more shares for yourself, without the box, simply click on the "INVEST" button.

How can you save tax on your investment?

The IR PME scheme allows income tax payers to reduce the amount of their tax by 18% of the sums invested in the capital of French and European SMEs. Official source:

The amount of the tax reduction is calculated on the basis of payments made during
a calendar year in accordance with the following conditions:


✓ Subscription to the initial capital or a capital increase of an unlisted SME (BOI-IR-RICI-90-10-20) before 31 December of the current tax year.

✓ Conservation by the taxpayer of the securities acquired for at least 5 years from the date of subscription.

✓ Be an individual whose tax residence is in France.

✓ Carry forward the investment to the 2042 C tax return.

What amounts?

> €50,000 investment for a single person, i.e. a maximum tax reduction of €12,500

> €100,000 for married or civil union couples (joint taxation) for a maximum tax reduction of €25,000.

 Please note that The rate of tax reduction has changed (see table below).

Capture d’écran 2024-03-05 à 11.50.30.png

Please note that the tax benefits associated with the IR-PME scheme are not compatible with those associated with an investment via a PEA or PEA-PME.

Please note: vouchers purchased for a third party are not eligible for tax relief under the IR scheme. 

The value of the box is not included in the value of your investment. 

Good to know: Parents can claim tax relief on their minor child's share.

To find out more about the IR PME scheme, see Taxation 1. What are the tax benefits of investing? section of the FAQ. 

Warning: This page is intended as a guide only and should not be used as a substitute for official (up-to-date) texts. Taxpayers remain solely responsible for their own tax returns. The income tax return filed with the tax authorities depends on the asset situation of each subscriber. As SAS Châteaux Merveilles (Château de Boulogne) is not a tax consultancy, we recommend that you contact the appropriate institutions for advice on these issues.


Where can I find my tax receipt/subscription form?
Your tax receipt corresponds to your subscription form. It will be issued and sent by email at the end of the investment campaign.

Our FAQs

The box, the share - how does it work? Questions about how the investment works (for you, a relative, a minor child, etc.)? What do I gain by investing in this project?  What does being an investor involve and what are the risks? 

We answer all the most frequently asked questions in our FAQ, which you can find below:


Warning: investments present a significant risk of partial or total loss of capital, as well as a risk of illiquidity.

If you have any questions about the risks associated with investing, please refer to the FAQ: What does being an investor entail and what are the risks?


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Brice G.

"A sumptuous château!  A truly atypical architecture that blends history and fantasy! I'll leave you with the pleasure of discovering the history of the castle itself, which combines all the different ages!"
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